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What is the average salary in Zurich?

The Canton of Zurich has one of the highest pay in Switzerland. The median salary in the Canton of Zurich is 80 003 CHF, which is higher than in most other cantons. This value is based on 135 300 salary data from users. The city of Zurich is a financial and economic center with an international reputation, but it is not the only place to look for a job in the canton: Winterthur, Zurich airport, Uster and Bülach also offer attractive opportunities.

Which sectors pay best in Zurich?

The sectors with the highest salaries in the Canton of Zurich are Banking / Financial institutions, Information technology / Telecom and Medical Technology. However, one must be careful, as the cost of living in Zurich is the highest in Switzerland: housing is expensive and cultural activities, although numerous and varied, are still expensive. Fortunately, salaries are high enough to guarantee a pleasant standard of living.