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What is the average salary in the canton of Aargau?

Salaries in Aargau are very attractive: the median salary in the canton of Aargau is 73 448 CHF, calculated on the basis of 41 594 salary indications of the users of The region, known for its castles and thermal baths, is particularly appreciated by families, who can lead a city life here while remaining close to nature. The main cities to look for work are Baden, Lenzburg, Wohlingen and Spreitenbach.

What are the highest-paid business areas in Aargau?

In Aargau, the Utilities, Information technology / Telecom and Education are the highest paid sectors, according to our wage comparator. The cost of living is relatively high, but corresponds to the wages in the canton. Aargau is a good compromise for people who like to live close to large cities without living there directly: as the canton is located between the cantons of Zurich, Zug, Lucerne and Basel, and Germany, it is easy to travel and enjoy the cultural offerings of all these regions.