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How much is the average salary in the Canton of Lucerne?

In the Canton of Lucerne, the median wage for all jobs combined is 72 013 CHF. This value is based on 25 786 wage entries from users of The capital of the canton, Lucerne, is a lively city with a variety of job opportunities, but the other cities in the region are also worth considering: Emmen, Kriens or Ebikon are worth considering when looking for a job in the canton of Lucerne.

What are the best paid jobs in the Canton of Lucerne?

The sector that pays the most in Lucerne is Information technology / Telecom, followed closely by Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals, and finally Utilities. The cost of living in the canton is however higher than in other parts of Switzerland, but the beautiful living environment compensates for this disadvantage. The surrounding mountains offer countless opportunities for recreation in summer and winter.