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How much is the average salary in St. Gallen?

The Canton of St. Gallen is home to many companies that regularly seek to expand their team. Salaries are generally around 71 502 CHF, based on a value calculated from 29 470 salary entries from users. The capital of the canton, the city of St. Gallen, offers many job opportunities, but there are also numerous job opportunities in Rorschach am Bodensee, Will, Uwzil, Alstätten and Buchs.

What are the best paid jobs in St. Gallen?

The highest paid sector in the Canton of St. Gallen is the Medical Technology industry. This is followed by the Banking / Financial institutions and Information technology / Telecom sectors. The cost of living is lower in St. Gallen than in other Swiss cities, and there is something for everyone: a country house, a city apartment, a villa on Lake Constance, etc. Whatever the region, it is an idyllic setting for working, holidaying and living.