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How much do you earn on average in Nidwalden?

The Canton of Nidwalden is one of the founding cantons of the Swiss Confederation. According to 2 051 salary entries of users, the median salary in the Canton of Nidwalden, which is slightly below the Swiss average, is 72 750 CHF. The main localities in this canton are Stans, Ennetbürgen and Buochs. The small and medium-sized companies located here are often looking for new talent to expand their teams.

What are the highest paid jobs in the Canton of Nidwalden?

The field of activity with the highest salaries in the Canton of Nidwalden is Education, followed by Medical Technology and Utilities. The canton is slightly below the Swiss average, but the cost of living in this mountainous canton is also lower. The living environment is not to be neglected: in the heart of the Alps and on the shores of Lake Lucerne, Nidwalden enjoys a breathtaking landscape.