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How much is the average salary in Zug?

Zug is one of the Swiss cantons with the highest salaries, with a median of 83 776 CHF. This value was calculated from the 13 508 wages from the salary comparison tool. There are many job opportunities in Cham, Baar, Risch and around Lake Aegeri, but Zug is home to the largest international companies.

What are the areas of activity with the highest salaries in the Canton of Zug?

Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals, Utilities and Medical Technology are the sectors with the highest wages in the Canton of Zug. Living in Zug is not cheap, especially in terms of housing, but as taxes are low and wages are generous, the canton remains attractive. Situated on the banks of two lakes and close to the mountains, this canton of German-speaking Switzerland offers a pleasant living and working environment. In addition, thanks to its central location, it is easy to reach other parts of Switzerland.