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What is the average salary in the Canton of Schwyz?

Taking all sectors and jobs together, the median wage in the Canton of Schwyz 73 242 CHF (calculated thanks to users, who shared 7 624 wage data on our salary comparison tool). The canton is therefore in the top 10 of the cantons with the highest salaries. Pfäffikon, Freienbach, Wollerau, Einsiedeln and Küssnacht are good places to look for work, not to mention the canton's capital, the city of Schwyz.

What are the sectors with the highest salaries in Canton Schwyz?

Even if wages depend on the sectors, companies or jobs, it is possible to get a general idea of the situation: in the Canton of Schwyz, the three sectors that pay the best are Banking / Financial institutions, Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals and Information technology / Telecom. The cost of living, housing prices and taxes are lower than in other Swiss conurbations, making it a canton with a pleasant standard of living.