Published: 18 November 2024
Assistant(e) en Soin et Santé Communautaire de nuit à 95%
251La Fondation de Nant organise l’ensemble des soins psychiatriques publiques de l’Est vaudois. Elle assume une mission de santé publique à la demande de l’Etat de Vaud. Ses services de soins sont ouverts à tous, enfants, adolescents, adultes et personnes âgées habitant les districts d’Aigle, de Lavaux-Oron et de la Riviera-Pays-d’Enhaut.
La Fondation de Nant est membre de la Fédération des Hôpitaux Vaudois (FHV), organe faîtier des hôpitaux régionaux vaudois reconnus d'intérêt public. Elle fait également partie du Réseau Santé Haut-Léman qui regroupe les partenaires de la santé de la Riviera et du Pays-d'Enhaut avec ceux du Chablais vaudois et valaisan.
La Fondation de Nant - Secteur psychiatrique de l'Est vaudois offre des conditions de travail attractives. Elle emploie quelque 430 collaborateurs prioritairement dans les professions de la santé, du social, de la gestion, de l'intendance, de la cuisine.
Un environnement pluridisciplinaire enrichi par l'origine multiple des professionnels venant de 25 pays.
Published: 18 November 2024
Published: 17 November 2024
Published: 16 November 2024
Employees (0)
Applicants (0)
Translated from French
09 January 2022
The Foundation's mission is noble and admirable
If we could answer the calls on the indicated number or call back those who have left messages on the answering machine
Translated from French
26 July 2024
-The kind, smiling, empathetic welcome I received from the medical staff, nurses, secretary and cleaners, despite being overworked during my "discovery" day in the emergency department (I still remember your smiles and the sharing of the cake on my return to France). Thank you - Varied self-service meals and smiling staff. - The cleanliness of the premises and hygiene were top-notch. Thank you to the staff. -Impersonal negative response from HR, generalist, not individualized and personalized despite 1 day "trial" of 12 h ACTIVE and moreover at my expense (meals, hotel, travel ...). -No feedback to improve or readjust any "negative" points. - I took away from this day with the multidisciplinary team a sense of cohesion, a strong sense of commitment to patients in crisis, a humanity guided by doctors of incredible quality and skill, ALL united in serving the patient and in team spirit. Bravo to ALL the multidisciplinary team for your professionalism.
-Need feedback to clarify areas for readjustment or improvement. It's constructive and positive. Offer at least one meal to people who come for a full 12-hour ACTIVE working day, called a "discovery day". -Why not consider a hotel night paid for by the "recruiting" institution. -Emphasize the motivation and commitment of potential job candidates when they travel 1,000 kms at their own expense. Give priority to candidates who have worked 12 hours without pay for future vacancies (fixed-term or open-ended contracts). -Need for mutual trust and communication between the two parties (applicant and recruiter) for the next step.
Translated from French
28 May 2023
Former employee
Top-down operation. Little say for caregivers in the field.
Care management is incompetent. On the other hand, the medical and human resources departments are good.