Entreprises à découvrir
Leclanché SA
Industries (autres industries)
200 employés
Leclanché operates through three distinct business units: E-Mobility Solutions, Stationary Storage Solutions, and Specialty Battery Systems. Each unit is dedicated to delivering high-performance solutions that cater to the evolving needs of industries committed to sustainable practices.
At Leclanché, we are not just a company; we are a force propelling the integration of renewable energy into grids and fueling the electrification of transport. Our commitment is reflected in our talented team, individuals who embody passion, initiative, adaptability, impact, influence, innovation, and decisiveness.
What sets Leclanché apart is our world-leading in-house technologies, predominantly based on lithium-ion cells. We proudly own the entire value chain, from electrochemistry to our energy management software. This unique positioning makes us the go-to partner for customers seeking smarter and faster energy storage solutions. Our expertise extends to fleets and electric commercial vehicles, marine vessels, grid and microgrids, and robotics.
ADM International Sàrl
1001 employés
Not every career offers you the opportunity to do rewarding work that helps enrich the lives of people all around the world. At ADM, that’s kind of our thing. Whether we’re finding new opportunities for renewable products, developing the next flavor trend, or ensuring crops get to parts of the world where they’re needed, the problems we solve are making a real difference. And that’s where you come in. You will unlock your full potential. At ADM, we need people who are passionate about solving the nutritional challenges of today and tomorrow. People who want to contribute to something greater than themselves, making a lasting impact.
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