Portrait d'entreprise
Bracco Injeenering SA is a company of the international Bracco Group (www.bracco.com). Bracco Injeneering’s Mission Statement is: “Exceeding the expectations of the diagnostic imaging community with innovative medical device solutions that improve patient outcomes and generate brand loyalty, through our value-based culture of continuous improvement, people development, and by keeping things simple”
Bracco Group : Bracco is an international Group active in the healthcare sector through Bracco Imaging (diagnostic imaging), ACIST Medical Systems (medical devices and advanced imaging agents injection systems), and the Centro Diagnostico Italiano diagnostic clinic in Milan. It has more than 3,450 employees and annual total consolidated revenues of around 1.3 billion euros, of which 87% from international sales, and it is present worldwide. In the Research and Development area, the company invests approximately 9% of reference turnover in the imaging diagnostics and medical devices sectors and has a portfolio comprising over 1,800 patents. Its subsidiary Bracco Imaging is one of the world’s leading companies in the diagnostic imaging field :X-Ray Imaging (including Computed Tomography-CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound, and Nuclear Medicine. The Company operates in over 90 markets: in North America through Bracco Diagnostics Inc. USA headquartered in Princeton, NJ, and with an affiliate in Montreal (Canada); in Europe, with offices in all major countries; in Japan (BRACCO-EISAI). The Companyk also operates in South America, South Korea and China through its 70% controlled Joint Venture, Bracco Sine Pharmaceutical Corp. Ltd
Bracco Injeneering: In July 2011, the Bracco Group acquired Swiss Medical Care to strengthen and complete the portfolio of automated system for the administration of contrast media with technological advancements such as CT Exprès.
Effective December 17, 2012, SMC has changed its name to BRACCO INJENEERING S.A., the new Business Unit of Bracco Imaging SpA.
The name BRACCO INJENEERING denotes a company committed to developing the best-in-class integrated injection solutions with a strong heritage in research and innovation. It provides quality solutions for state-of-the-art radiology centers, offering proven injection technology, built on Bracco Imaging expertise. BRACCO INJENEERING S.A. is based in Lausanne.
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19 février 2020
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Il faut savoir prendre des risques!
Qu'est-ce qui fonctionne bien ?
Rémunération très intéressante pour les nouveaux arrivants (fixe + variable) Bonne ambiance sur site Très peu de pression Bonne expérience pour le médical classe II Expérience internationale avec fournisseurs basés dans le monde entier Exposition aux medical device combo (sNDA + 510k) Coucou experience medical device complète qui inclue HW, SW, Mechanics, Disposables
Quels sont les points à améliorer ?
Aucune stratégie d’entreprise, peu d’investissement dans l’innovation pure, et un leadership totalement déporté aux USA Collaboration avec la direction aux US Sous staffé Turn-over élevé