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De Bethune
Reuge has been founded 1865 in Ste Croix (Vaud), just about 15 minutes from Yverdon, 30 min from Lausanne or 80 min from Geneva.
Initially a very traditional company producing entry level music boxes, ballerinas, singing birds Reuge has nevertheless greatly evolved and is today the trusted partner of high end watch and jewelery stores around the world.
In cooperation with renowned companies such as L'Oreal, MB&F, Ferrari, EHL, and many more greatly advanced design objects complete the catalogue pieces. VIP's in Business and Politics are asking Reuge to develop bespoke pieces for their unique needs.
Very international in all continents and cultures Reuge is always in search of top staff motivated to bring the extra effort for an important and demanding clientele.
Check the web-site, the instagram, Facebook, etc or simply send us your Curriculum today.
Aidez les autres en partageant votre expérience avec cette entreprise en tant qu'employé ou candidat.