2 avis
- Le plus récent
- Meilleure note
- Plus basse note
A lack of stability of the organization
- Salaire et avantages1.0
- Style de management1.0
- Ambiance et conditions de travail1.0
- Opportunités de carrière1.0
20 avril 2023avril 2023
Qu'est-ce qui fonctionne bien ?
People are competent and reliable; positive relationship between employees. Lunchroom equipped; Parking space;
Quels sont les points à améliorer ?
Modest wages; Very high employee turnover; An excessive supervision and control of employees' work, as well as a limited delegation of tasks or decisions to staff; A lack of stability of the organization for while;
Commenter cet avis
Unstable company, very competent and resilient team mates
- Salaire et avantages1.0
- Style de management1.0
- Ambiance et conditions de travail2.0
- Opportunités de carrière1.0
15 mars 2023mars 2023
Qu'est-ce qui fonctionne bien ?
The good atmosphere between employees, the skills of the teams, the resilience of employees in a difficult context. Recent premises, open spaces, equipped cafeteria room. Parking available (not free).
Quels sont les points à améliorer ?
Leadership, people management and management are outdated, no vision, no individual or team goals. Too many hierarchical levels for a small company. Lots of pressure in some departments. High turnover, in the process of collective redundancy (2023). Low wages, few benefits, no individual development.
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Notes globale
- Style de management1.0
- Salaire et avantages1.0
- Opportunités de carrière1.0
- Ambiance et conditions de travail1.5