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Liebherr Machines Bulle SA

Das Familienunternehmen Liebherr wurde im Jahr 1949 von Hans Liebherr gegründet. Der große Erfolg des ersten mobilen, leicht montierbaren und preisgünstigen Turmdrehkrans bildete das Fundament des Unternehmens. Heute zählt Liebherr nicht nur zu den größten Baumaschinenherstellern der Welt, sondern ist auch auf vielen anderen Gebieten als Anbieter technisch anspruchsvoller, nutzenorientierter Produkte und Dienstleistungen anerkannt. Inzwischen ist das Unternehmen zu einer Firmengruppe mit mehr als 48'000 Beschäftigten in über 140 Gesellschaften auf allen Kontinenten angewachsen. Die dezentral organisierte Firmengruppe ist in überschaubare, selbstständig operierende Unternehmenseinheiten gegliedert. Dadurch wird Kundennähe ebenso gesichert wie die Fähigkeit, im globalen Wettbewerb flexibel auf Marktsignale zu reagieren. Die Fertigungs- und Vertriebsgesellschaften einzelner Produktsegmente sind jeweils der operativen Führung von Spartenobergesellschaften zugeordnet. Dachgesellschaft der Firmengruppe ist die Liebherr-International AG in Bulle/Schweiz, deren Gesellschafter ausschließlich Mitglieder der Familie Liebherr sind. Das Familienunternehmen wird in der zweiten Generation von den Geschwistern Isolde Liebherr und Willi Liebherr gemeinsam geleitet. In der Schweiz betreibt die Firmengruppe insgesamt sieben eigene Gesellschaften an den Standorten Bulle (FR), Nussbaumen (AG), Reiden (LU) und Daillens (VD). Die Liebherr-Baumaschinen AG, Reiden, ist verantwortlich für den Vertrieb und Service von Erdbewegungsmaschinen, Turmdrehkranen, Betontechnik, Spezialtiefbau und Fahrzeugkranen in der Schweiz.

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10 reviews

Incompetent management


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Former employeePermanent

11 February 2024

What works well?

The willingness of the workers to do their jobs to the best of their ability, and their investment in their work. Some colleagues are very helpful. The canteen. The occupational physician/mediator, very professional and attentive.

What could be improved?

mentality is above all management skill. Listen and respect them. The will to change something.

Translated from French

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Lack of investment, working conditions to be improved


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Former employeePermanent

09 April 2023

What works well?

Free and nearby parking, good atmosphere between colleagues, possibility of hiring

What could be improved?

Training and management to be reviewed, difficult working conditions with shift work and weekends. Lack of investment to work in a better environment that I find noisy. A lot of staff turnover, which leads to quality problems.

Translated from French

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Not brilliant


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Former employeeLimited

20 June 2020

What works well?

Apart from very affordable and very friendly canteen staffs, nothing works in this company.

What could be improved?

Every expects in this company must be improved in order to stay competitive in this business. Need more dynamic leaders to lead this company, currently the way the management works is way too old-school, people are not open to new and dynamic improvements. Many managers are excellent in talking but in the end, little or no actions being taken. People acknowledged there are problems withtin this company for years but no corrective actions being taken. Managers have no trusts in their employees, they need to make sure that their employees are being well surveilled!! One of the worst paying companies in Switzerland, 42 hour week contract, 15 mins morning breaks are at the employees' expense. Coffee and tea are not even provided, in fact nothing is provided in this company! If you want to commute by public transport, limited/no connections (train and bus) around the area where the company is located. It's just a disaster beyond words.

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Overall ratings

Based on 10 reviews
5 stars20%4 stars0%3 stars10%2 stars40%1 star30%
  • Management style
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  • Working atmosphere

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