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Translated from French

29 May 2024

Current employee

Very respectful company

What works well?

Respect from employees, flexible working hours and easy communication

What could be improved?

I have nothing to say. I'm starting work at Zurich soon, and the feeling I got during the recruitment phase was that we're very well respected and that the human side of the staff is very important.

Translated from French

08 March 2024



What works well?

I haven't yet started at Zurich because of my notice period with my current employer. However, after visiting the Crissier premises, I can confirm that the work is carried out in a modern environment.

What could be improved?

Despite 6 months' notice, Zurich still gave me the opportunity to join their team. I don't see any immediate areas for improvement

Translated from French

26 November 2023


Good listening skills, flexible work

What works well?

The process is clear, we feel well considered and there's a great deal of openness.

What could be improved?

In my experience, there's nothing to improve when it comes to recruitment.

Translated from French

09 November 2023

Current employee

Good working atmosphere and flexible working hours

What works well?

Superb team atmosphere and participative management. Lots of benefits (flexible working, 2nd and 3rd pillar, train pass, etc.) and promotion of internal employees.

What could be improved?

Access to a fitness center at the Crissier headquarters, not just in Zurich.

Translated from French

02 March 2023

Current employee


What works well?

Work balance, infrastructure, team, good atmosphere, passionate and diverse work

What could be improved?

The computer system is a bit slow, listen more thoroughly to the employees, and be able to negotiate a fair salary

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