Renens, ville à vivre intensément! Chef-lieu du très dynamique district de l'Ouest lausannois, la Ville de Renens poursuit son important développement avec aujourd'hui plus de 21'000 habitant-e-s. La qualité de vie, le développement économique local, la durabilité écologique, l'intégration sociale, ainsi que la diversité culturelle sont parmi les composants essentiels de son ADN.
Opportunity, openness, multicultural, good working conditions.
What could be improved?
Professionalization of positions and managerial support for employees.
Translated from French
Comment this review
Super good working climate and hours
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Former employeeInternship
16 February 2023February 2023
What works well?
Everything works perfectly well, I did two internships, one of three weeks as a gardener's helper and one of two weeks as an operating agent. Good atmosphere and good team spirit, I recommend it to everyone.
What could be improved?
The point to improve is to apply that we should have more ways to apply either by internet or give our file on the spot or by post