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Translated from French

25 January 2024

Current employee

Climat tendu

What works well?

Time control. Clean working environment. Interesting work though.

What could be improved?

Schedules set by production. Management under pressure, using the constant fear of dismissal to keep employees in line. Night work not paid as such. Production bonuses reduced. Overtime unpaid and difficult to use. Rest periods often not respected. Good-natured atmosphere... or rather, just good-nat...

Translated from French

08 February 2024

Former employee

A living hell

What works well?

Tying up is very quick. The coffee machine works well.

What could be improved?

My worst experience, management by fear, belittling employees. "And if you don't like it, Peugeot is recruiting. I'm still disgusted with this company after 1 year, only pressure on employees who are treated like consumables. Childish playground atmosphere. Communication is totally absent. Staff ar...