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- Administration / Office management2403
- Bank / Economy764
- Building / Construction / Civil Engineering10303
- Commercial / Sales3129
- Company Management / Head of Department493
- Construction engineer1921
- Crafts / Artisanry1905
- Finance / Accounting / Controlling2198
- Health & Beauty / Sport93
- Healthcare / Medicine6248
- Hotel / Catering / Tourism2115
- Human Resources / Staff Management1641
- Industry / Manufacturing / Technical9036
- Insurance678
- IT / Telecommunications3886
- Law / Taxation / Advice515
- Marketing / Media / PR620
- Pharmaceuticals / Biotechnology / Chemistry786
- Procurement / Logistics2243
- Real Estate909
- Security / Defense242
- Trading9
- Training / Education / Social2161
- Miscellaneous (other jobs)1380
7112 vacant positions
1543 vacant positions
1205 vacant positions
353 vacant positions
788 vacant positions
3426 vacant positions
1239 vacant positions
13218 vacant positions
3914 vacant positions
258 vacant positions
2741 vacant positions
2448 vacant positions
Discover all job offers available in French-speaking Switzerland on jobup.ch
Welcome to jobup.ch, the leading job platform for the French-speaking region of Switzerland. Whether you're looking for jobs in technology, finance, healthcare, engineering, sales or other sectors, we have a wide range of job offers to suit your needs.
Browse our IT jobs to find positions in software development, network administration and more. For those with a background in finance, our finance jobs section includes opportunities in banking, accounting and financial analysis. Healthcare professionals can explore a variety of opportunities in our healthcare job listings, including nursing, medical research, healthcare administration, and other specialties. Engineering candidates can discover opportunities in various disciplines by visiting our engineering jobs section, while sales professionals can find roles in business development, account management and retail sales in our sales jobs category.
Finding your ideal job has never been easier. Join our community today and take the next step in your career with jobup.ch. Our user-friendly interface and detailed listings make job hunting simple and easy. Use our Salary Calculator to get insights into potential earnings and our Company Search to find the right employer for you. Start your job search now and let jobup.ch guide you to your next career step. For opportunities outside the French-speaking part of Switzerland, please visit jobs.ch, our job portal dedicated to the German-speaking regions of Switzerland.
Facilitate your job search with the number 1 platform in French-speaking Switzerland
Navigating the job market in today's dynamic world can be complex, but our specialist platforms are here to support you. Whether you're exploring different sectors or focusing on a specific area, we have the right solutions for you. topjobs.ch offers a wide range of job opportunities in various sectors. jobwinner.ch offers an extensive selection of job advertisements throughout Switzerland. If you're looking to progress in sales, jobs4sales.ch is perfect for you. For jobs in the financial sector, financejobs.ch is the ideal resource. Engineers can discover interesting opportunities on ingjobs.ch, while ictcareer.ch is aimed at IT professionals. What's more, alpha.ch completes our offering with more listings to help you find your next career opportunity. Explore our platforms to find the job that's right for you.