Popular professions in Neuchâtel

Administrative Assistant

348 salary indications

CHF 65 981

Commercial Manager

240 salary indications

CHF 61 100


233 salary indications

CHF 58 277

Account Manager

203 salary indications

CHF 53 013

Clock Maker

175 salary indications

CHF 63 000

Quality Engineer

167 salary indications

CHF 71 400

Accounting Clerk

128 salary indications

CHF 80 680

CNC Machine Operator

128 salary indications

CHF 64 362

HR Assistant

112 salary indications

CHF 69 225


104 salary indications

CHF 61 745

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How much is the average salary in the Canton of Neuchâtel?

In the canton of Neuchâtel, the median salaries are around 71 504 CHF, calculated from 9 568 salary entries of jobup.ch users. Although Neuchâtel is the capital of the canton, the largest city in Neuchâtel is La Chaux-de-Fonds. In addition to these two cities, Le Locle, Val-de-Ruz and Val-de-Travers are interesting places to look for and find a job.

What are the highest-paid industries in the Canton of Neuchâtel?

The highest paid jobs in the Canton of Neuchâtel are in the Clothing / Textiles sector, followed by the Waste management / Recycling / Environmental technology and finally the Retail business industry. The cost of living is lower than in other Swiss cantons. The region is known for its watchmaking industry, a tradition that goes back more than 300 years. Moreover, it is in La Chaux-de-Fonds that Le Corbusier, one of the most famous Swiss architects, was born. Many of his buildings can still be seen here.