Popular professions in Fribourg

Commercial Manager

514 salary indications

CHF 62 400

Administrative Assistant

375 salary indications

CHF 66 950

Account Manager

275 salary indications

CHF 54 633


254 salary indications

CHF 61 625

Accounting Clerk

220 salary indications

CHF 82 428

Team Leader

160 salary indications

CHF 85 000


158 salary indications

CHF 130 000


141 salary indications

CHF 65 000

Truck Driver

134 salary indications

CHF 65 000


126 salary indications

CHF 66 000

More salaries nearby



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46 854 salaries



9 599 salaries

How much do people earn on average in the Canton of Fribourg?

The median salary in the canton of Fribourg is 72 013 CHF (calculation based on 12 962 salary details of jobup.ch users). This puts the canton of Fribourg in the middle of the ranking. Even though the capital city, Fribourg, probably offers the most job opportunities, other cities such as Bulle, Estavayer or Murten also deserve to be considered when looking for a job.

What are the best remunerated fields of activity in the Canton of Fribourg?

According to the data of our salary comparator, the Small and medium-sized industries sector pays the highest salaries in the Canton of Fribourg, followed by Clothing / Textiles and Waste management / Recycling / Environmental technology. Like Berne and Valais, the Canton of Fribourg is bilingual: it is therefore advisable to master (or at least have some knowledge of) French and German in order to live or work there. Even though the canton has no large conurbations, Lausanne and Bern are relatively close and easily accessible.