logistician salaries Throughout Switzerland
Annual Gross Salary
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Salary by age & gender
Salary data is categorised by age and gender, offering insights into salary trends and differences among age groups and genders.
Age & Gender
logistician, Throughout Switzerland
Salary by work experience
The graph shows how the number of years working as a logistician relates to income levels.
Individuals starting with no experience in the field can expect to earn an annual salary of CHF 57 782. The graph also shows that the highest expected salary for this profession is CHF 71 500 per year.
Salary by work experience
logistician, Throughout Switzerland
salary progression through years of experience
Salary trend
The graph shows how salaries for logistician have changed over time.
In 2014-2016, the annual median salary was CHF 60 841. From 2023-2025, the median salary reached its highest at CHF 64 682 per year.
Salary trend
logistician, Throughout Switzerland
Jobs for logistician
Highest-Paying industries
The highest paying industry for a logistician is Banking / Financial institutions, with an average salary of CHF 71 000 annually. Followed by Utilities and Insurance industries. Remember that significant variations between companies within a single industry can exist.
Highest-Paying industries for logistician, Throughout Switzerland
Median salary
- Banking / Financial institutionsCHF 71 00023 jobs
- UtilitiesCHF 67 10054 jobs
- InsuranceCHF 65 5005 jobs
- Recruitment agency / StaffingCHF 65 200Set up Job Alert
- Chemicals / PharmaceuticalsCHF 65 000Set up Job Alert
- Information technology / TelecomCHF 65 000Set up Job Alert
- Agriculture / Forestry / WoodCHF 65 000Set up Job Alert
- Public administration / AssociationsCHF 65 000Set up Job Alert
- Machine / System constructionCHF 65 00012 jobs
- Medical TechnologyCHF 65 0004 jobs
Salary by cantons for logistician
The top two high-paying cantons for logistician are Nidwalden and Zug. Salaries vary per canton depending on the local job market and industry trends.
Throughout Switzerland
CHF 61 335
median salary
Salary by canton