Substitute Professorship (f/m/d) position (W2) in vegetation ecology


  • Publication date:

    27 June 2024
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  • Contract type:

    Permanent position
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Substitute Professorship (f/m/d) position (W2) in vegetation ecology

Substitute Professorship (f/m/d) position (W2) in vegetation ecology

Published26 June 2024WorkplaceFreiburg i.Br., Baden-Württemberg, GermanyCategory
Life Sciences
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NEU Vollzeit Forschung und Lehre


Founded in 1457, the University of Freiburg is one of the oldest German universities and is now one of the nation’s leading research and teaching institutions. The Faculty of Biology is renowned worldwide for its excellent research environment in multiple disciplines. Freiburg is a vibrant student city at the foot of the Black Forest in close vicinity to France and Switzerland, with rich cultural and academic life, and excellent recreational opportunities.

The Chair of Geobotany has its scientific focus on vegetation ecology, functional biodiversity research, global change ecology, and soundscape ecology. We are involved in several international initiatives that quantify the implications of biodiversity change for ecosystem functions and services.

Prerequisite for the employment of Substitute Professors are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record. Substantial achievements and experience in academic research and teaching in the field of vegetation ecology, at the level of a Habilitation according to the German academic system, are expected. It is desirable that the position holder actively participates in the research foci of the Chair of Geobotany.

The professorship is integrated with 9 SWS in teaching (corresponding to 9 hours of teaching per week) in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Biology and in the Master of Education programme in Biology. The teaching programme includes modules on plant and vegetation ecology, plant species biodiversity, and ecological field methods. Teaching is done in German language at the Bachelor level, and in English at the Master level, and involves field excursions and courses to be done under all weather conditions and in partly rough terrain around Freiburg and the Alpes.

The position is paid according to salary level W2 and is open starting October 1st, 2024; a later start is negotiable. The University of Freiburg is committed to diversity and equal opportunities. It is certified as a family- friendly university and has a dual career service. Its goal is to increase the portion of women in areas where women are under-represented and to particularly promote their careers. It therefore strongly encourages applications from relevantly qualified women. Applications from suitable persons with proven severe disabilities and persons of equal status are particularly welcome.

The following application documents are to be submitted: Curriculum vitae, certificates of degrees and academic qualifications, complete list of publications specifying the five most important publications, a one-page statement on research interests, a one-page teaching philosophy, and contact details of two or more academic references.

The position is initially limited for a period of two years, with possibility of renewal depending on funding; no tenure track. The salary will be determined in accordance with W2.

We will be particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.

The university supports individuals appointed to professorial positions through a Dual Career Service and a Family Service.


Please send your application in English including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form citing the reference number 00003837, by 16.08.2024 at the latest. Please send your application to the following address in written or electronic form:

Prof. Dr. Michael Scherer-Lorenzen Chair of Geobotany, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg Schänzlestr. 1
D-79104 Freiburg, Germany

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Michael Scherer-Lorenzen on the phone number +49 761 203-5014 or E-Mail applications@ biologie.uni- . Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Code for Practice for professorial appointments (in German) .

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Die Universität Freiburg ist einen Wechsel wert: Mit ihrer über 500-jährigen Geschichte ist sie eine der renommiertesten und forschungsstärksten Universitäten Deutschlands. Hier arbeiten Sie in einer einzigartigen Vielfalt von Fächern, Perspektiven und Menschen für Forschung und Lehre auf höchstem Niveau - mitten in einer der beliebtesten Städte Deutschlands.
Die Personalpolitik der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg orientiert sich an den Prinzipien der Gleichstellung und Vielfalt. Die Universität bekennt sich nachdrücklich zu dem Ziel einer familiengerechten Hochschule. Besuchsadresse: Friedrichstr. 39, 79098 Freiburg

Postadresse: Postfach, 79085 Freiburg
In your application, please refer to and referenceJobID64804.