Featured companies
Unia le Syndicat
Associations / Organisations
Unia, un employeur progressiste
Unia emploie quelque 1'200 collaborateurs/-trices ou cadres engagés et compétents, en qualité de secrétaires syndicaux/-ales, de conseillers/-ères aux membres, d’employé-e-s administratifs, de collaborateurs/-trices de sa caisse de chômage ou de spécialistes.
Nous sommes fiers des conditions de travail modernes qu’Unia offre à son personnel. Une solide formation de base sur le syndicalisme ainsi qu’en droit de l’assurance-chômage, des activités ciblées de formation permanente, une structure salariale compacte, de bonnes perspectives d’avancement pour les femmes comme pour les hommes, des prestations sociales et de prévoyance professionnelle supérieures à la moyenne, la possibilité de travailler à temps partiel ainsi qu’une activité utile, au contact d’autres personnes, constituent notre carte de visite.
Les Acacias
51 employees
ITX * THE LEADING EXPATRIATE MANAGEMENT COMPANY * WE PROVIDE FULL SERVICES FOR MANAGING EXPATRIATE PERSONNEL --- ITX EXPERTISES We advise international organisations on global mobility matters. We achieve the simplification of expatriation programs, a better costs control in full compliance with regulations. We provide a unique offer from “on request studies” to “full operational solutions”. ---
ITX SOLUTIONS We create solutions perfectly adapted to your needs and expectations, through our know-how, values and commitments. International Mobility Consulting IMC Is comprised of specialists in three areas of expertise: Legal, Human Ressources and Compensation & Benefits. They can answer specific queries or through a study answer more complex situations.
Global Mobility Monitoring Service GMM Is an ideal tool to map your expatriate population around the world, to harmonize your practices, to centralize all expatriate related informations, to reduce non compliant situation and simplify procedures.
Global Employment Company GEC Is a trusted “strategic tool” to bring the right competencies to the right markets in a timely manner. It provides a coherent and equitable employment package for the workforce. It also allows an easier cost control with streamlined administration. --- ITX STRENGHTS Customer oriented: Flexibility, Adaptability, Diversity. Operational experiences: Competitive & efficient A one stop shop dedicated to your needs
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Le Domaine des Bottés SA
Forestry / Agriculture
Target your job search by company on jobup.ch
Besides the classic job search functionality, jobup.ch, first job platform in French-speaking Switzerland, proposes a company search function. Thanks to this, you can find all the employers you’re interested with a single click, as well as the jobs they are currently proposing. Parameterize the JobAlert and you will receive a notification directly by e-mail as soon as the company publishes a new job offer. Furthermore, each company has a profile which allows it to present its functioning, its values, as well as the advantages and career opportunities it offers to its employees.
Learn more about certain companies and their company culture thanks to reviews
Use the company reviews to find out more about a company that is recruiting and gain an insight into its functioning. Current employees, applicants and former employees can rate a company and write a review based on their experiences with it. Recruitment process, work atmosphere and environment, management style, salary level, strong points and weak points: all of the information contained in the reviews will allow you to get an authentic idea of daily life within companies. Associate them with the company portraits and you will be able to determine if a company and the culture suit you. This way, you will hold to key to getting started with the application process.