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Permanent position
Cellap Laboratoire S.A.
The fine-cosmetics laboratory is an expert in cellular technology and invented the CellControl™ method, a technique that preserves the extraordinary revitalising and moisturising powers of stabilised cellular extracts. This expertise dovetails with the company’s researchers and scientists’ in-depth knowledge of botanical and marine ingredients, which are masterfully combined with its cellular method. This know-how is applied to developing outstanding skincare formulas to meet the highly demanding needs of every type of skin.
Each and every day, Excellence, Performance and Quality are guiding those who help realise Cellcosmet and Cellmen’s promise: effectively slow the visible effects of skin ageing and preserve its true beauty.
For further information, visit
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Notre personnel est assuré pour être payé 2 ans à 100 % pendant les 2 premières années de maladie.
Nous avons une bonne couverture pour les assurances sociales
Notre développement est exponentiel
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