Published: 13 November 2024
Conseiller/ère Service clientèle (80-100%)
IDEAS emplois SA
1Société locale active depuis de nombreuses années dans la gestion du personnel, nous utilisons notre réseau de contacts ainsi que nos connaissances approfondies du tissu économique fribourgeois et romand pour rendre un service de haute qualité à nos clients.
IDEAS emplois s’est spécialisé, dès sa création, dans les domaines techniques liés a` l’industrie et au bâtiment. Aujourd’hui, ce département est toujours très actif dans le milieu.
En 2010, un département commercial a ouvert ses portes dans le but de traiter efficacement toutes les demandes liées aux domaines administratifs, comptabilité, achat-vente, import-export, marketing ainsi qu’aux particularités linguistiques.
La construction étant un des piliers de l’économie fribourgeoise, décision a été prise, en 2013, d’ouvrir le secteur du gros et second œuvres afin de répondre efficacement aux demandes croissantes.
Employees (0)
Applicants (0)
Translated from French
23 April 2022
Former employee
schedule of salary payments respected be careful with the work contract (called framework contract), you have to pay attention to the fact that the CDI interim contracts are hourly contracts with the vacations and the 13th calculated in the hourly rate; therefore the day your contract ends your vacations will have already been paid to you, the 13th is blocked on the account of the interim agency until the end of the year while the customer pays the agency every month... So the hourly rate must take into account the normal rate that you estimate for your base salary + the vacations + the 13th, be well informed about the rates of the profession in the geographical area e.g.: the salaries of Fribourg are not those of Geneva, the cost of living not being the same. It is tempting to take on young foreigners who do not master these local subtleties. Moreover, working as a temporary worker gives you the right to training (contribution on your salary) The company is very correct and respects the convention of the branch (temporary work sector)
IDEAS emploi provides employees for open-ended interim assignments to companies that do not wish to hire permanent staff, thus promoting flexibility and making it easier to part with these employees in the event of a drop in activity.