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Caisse cantonale vaudoise de Compensation AVS

Caisse cantonale vaudoise de Compensation AVS

Contribuez au succès de la CCVD

Rejoignez LA Caisse AVS de référence dans le domaine du 1er pilier, acteur incontournable en matière d’assurances sociales sur le sol vaudois.

Les opportunités

Notre rôle de Caisse supplétive pour tout le Canton de Vaud garantit à tout un chacun de pouvoir bénéficier des prestations sociales obligatoires. Notre vision, orientée résolument vers l’humain et la proximité, vous offre la possibilité d'exercer des activités aussi exigeantes que passionnantes.

Dans cette optique, la CCVD s’engage envers ses quelques 300 collaboratrices et collaborateurs à mettre leur épanouissement professionnel au centre de ses préoccupations.

Labellisée EQUAL-SALARY depuis 2016, la CCVD propose en outre des avantages sociaux compétitifs et la possibilité de concilier la vie professionnelle et privée.

Le challenge

Laissez-vous tenter par une nouvelle expérience professionnelle, guidée par nos 4 valeurs fondamentales que sont le Respect, la Confiance, l’Équité et le Professionnalisme.

Alors, motivé/e à devenir les experts de demain dans nos différents domaines d’activités ?

La CCVD, ensemble aujourd’hui et demain

Key information

Benefits at Caisse cantonale vaudoise de Compensation AVS

Engagement à la formation continue

Accessibilité en transports publics

Rémunération équitable

Congé maternité et paternité

Télétravail et horaires flexibles

Couverture d'assurances

Offres et rabais

Encouragement à la pratique sportive

Possibilité de se restaurer sur place

Programme de préparation à la retraite

et bien d'autres...

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5 reviews

Helping people. Friendly, pleasant atmosphere.


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

25 September 2023

What works well?

- Hybrid work (teleworking possible) - Varied activities in the field of social insurance giving meaning to activities - Accessible and responsive management and supervisors - Ambitious transformation projects

What could be improved?

- Better-defined career plans - Encourage specialized training

Translated from French

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  • React promptly and professionally, without anger
  • Thank all reviewers, even for negative feedback, and show empathy
  • Offer help and solutions, taking responsibility for any issues
  • Share your perspective if you disagree

More details in our guidelines.

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By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and agree with our General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies.

Job description


  • Job description
  • Application process
  • Personalized answer
  • Response time

12 January 2022

What works well?

I have never worked for them so I can't argue with that.

What could be improved?

Avoid noting that the positions to be filled the priority will be given to a female candidate if equal skills because it is 100% pejorative for the other candidates

Translated from French

Comment this review

Tips & Guidelines

When responding to a review, please:

  • React promptly and professionally, without anger
  • Thank all reviewers, even for negative feedback, and show empathy
  • Offer help and solutions, taking responsibility for any issues
  • Share your perspective if you disagree

More details in our guidelines.

Your comment will remain anonymous, and your email will not be published. It will only be used for identification purposes. You will receive a confirmation email after your comment is approved.

By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and agree with our General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies.

No response received in return.


  • Job description
  • Application process
  • Personalized answer
  • Response time

23 October 2020

What works well?

I can't answer that question because I didn't work there...

What could be improved?

Application following a vacancy to be filled immediately. Quick invitation to an interview, presentation of the position, of the company: an interview done in a professional way. Then, nothing more, no positive answer, no negative answer, no return of file. No more news.

Translated from French

Employer comment

20 May 2021

Hello, Thank you for your feedback. Our Institution is committed to providing a response to any person expressing an interest in a job with us. We are therefore sorry to read that you have not been contacted. We invite you to contact us by e-mail ( or by telephone at 021/989.65.22 so that we can correct our error. With our best regards.

Translated from French

Overall ratings

Based on 5 reviews
5 stars20%4 stars0%3 stars0%2 stars60%1 star20%
  • Management style
  • Salary and benefits
  • Career opportunities
  • Working atmosphere

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