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Transports publics genevois (TPG)

L'entreprise compte plus de 2000 collaboratrices et collaborateurs dévoués qui exercent près de 80 métiers différents. Toutes et tous mettent leurs compétences au service de la collectivité dans des domaines variés, tels que la conduite, l’entretien des véhicules et des infrastructures, le service client, l’information aux voyageurs ou encore l’informatique.

Travailler dans un secteur d'avenir

Le monde des transports publics est en plein essor et offre des opportunités passionnantes.

Les tpg recherchent des collaboratrices et collaborateurs motivés, sensibles aux enjeux de mobilité, d'environnement et de satisfaction client. En échange, ils offrent un cadre de travail riche et varié, avec des conditions sociales compétitives et de nombreuses perspectives d'évolution.

Vous êtes intéréssé-e ? Consultez nos offres d'emploi. Nous nous réjouissons par avance de vous compter parmi nous !

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Benefits at Transports publics genevois (TPG)








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TPG - Transports publics genevois
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10 reviews

Recruitment/application process


  • Job description
  • Application process
  • Personalized answer
  • Response time

14 June 2020

What works well?

Currently in phase to be recruited, I have passed different tests and I have been in contact with different people in HR, personally I find them very professional and once you start the process it goes fast. The different people I've had, company doctors or employees, are very nice and they've put me at ease. No matter what the final outcome of my application is, I would just like to say THANK YOU for their professionalism.

What could be improved?

Nothing to report, I had a good contact with the different interlocutors.

Translated from French

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  • React promptly and professionally, without anger
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At the top!


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

13 September 2019

What works well?

The basic and special conditions are excellent. Many additional offers are available to improve comfort.

What could be improved?

It's a big company; sometimes you have to be patient to get things moving.

Translated from French

Employer comment

18 September 2019

Thank you for this evaluation! We are delighted with this positive comment and take note of the proposed area for improvement.

Translated from French


  • Job description
  • Application process
  • Personalized answer
  • Response time

16 September 2017

Very professional

Translated from French

Employer comment

02 July 2021

Thank you so much! Your comment is simple and effective. ;-)

Translated from French

18 September 2019

Thank you very much! This is a pleasant point that I hasten to convey to my colleagues in HR.

Translated from French

Overall ratings

Based on 10 reviews
5 stars40%4 stars0%3 stars10%2 stars0%1 star50%
  • Management style
  • Salary and benefits
  • Career opportunities
  • Working atmosphere

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