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Institution de Lavigny

Institution de Lavigny

L'Institution de Lavigny a vu le jour en 1906 : Charles Subilia, un pasteur vaudois bouleversé par le décès tragique d'un enfant épileptique, décide de réagir. Mobilisant les fortunes et les autorités de l'époque, il crée un "asile destiné aux malades ne pouvant être admis dans les établissements de bienfaisance, et aux épileptiques."
Un siècle plus tard, l'Institution emploie plus de 900 collaborateurs sur plusieurs sites, et comprend une école, des ateliers protégés, un hôpital et des structures d'hébergement pour personnes en situation d'handicap.

Riche de compétences diverses et complémentaires, l'Institution de Lavigny accompagne chaque personne dans sa globalité: physique, psychique, intellectuelle, affective, spirituelle et sociale, dans un cadre résolument tourné vers l'extérieur, ce qui permet de développer l'autonomie, les compétences, les relations sociales, l'intégration... et de favoriser l'épanouissement de la personne.
Reconnue par les pouvoirs publics et les assurances qui subventionnent les prises en charge, l'Institution de Lavigny n'en dépend pas moins des aides privées qui jouent un rôle déterminant dans son fonctionnement.

Que tous ceux qui offrent leur soutien à sa mission, de quelque manière que ce soit, en soient ici une nouvelle fois remerciés.

Key information

Benefits at Institution de Lavigny

Des conditions de travail régies par les CCT du secteur Sanitaire et Social

Formation continue


Nursery-garderie « Pomme-cannelle »

Transports publics

Réductions sur les produits de notre propre production et auprès de partenaires




Télétravail possible selon les métiers

Fête d'entreprise, journée sportive, fête du personnel

Accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite

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21 job offers

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8 reviews



  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Former employeeInternship

19 December 2024

What works well?

The only positive thing I take away from this experience is the relationship I had with the residents. Their well-being and satisfaction were my priority, and I hope I lived up to their expectations during my 11 years with the institution.

What could be improved?

It is essential to develop skills for identifying and managing conflicts within teams. In addition, it is essential to respect employees and adopt a transparent approach to human resources management.

Translated from French

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Revisit some things, but nothing dramatic


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Former employeeInternship

14 June 2024

What works well?

Human aspect and understanding good, very location very good, varied field of activity.

What could be improved?

Offer more speaking time to sheltered workers at the DSP. I noticed during my internship that the break was very limited, and given the work done by sheltered workers, it wasn't enough. It's not because you're an MSP that you have all the rights. MSPs and workers in sheltered employment must have the same rights and the same rules. What's valid for an MSP should be valid for a worker and vice versa - it's a question of fairness.

Translated from French

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  • React promptly and professionally, without anger
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New public management


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Former employeePermanent

25 May 2023

What works well?

An institution brimming with staff expertise. Excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. Spirit of mutual aid between teams. Pleasant setting, with a beautiful view. In-house and on-the-job training opportunities.

What could be improved?

The managerial system excludes the experience of professionals in the field from important decisions. The gap between management and staff is widening. Residents' lives tend to be impoverished in the name of safety.

Translated from French

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  • React promptly and professionally, without anger
  • Thank all reviewers, even for negative feedback, and show empathy
  • Offer help and solutions, taking responsibility for any issues
  • Share your perspective if you disagree

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Overall ratings

Based on 8 reviews
5 stars13%4 stars13%3 stars13%2 stars38%1 star25%
  • Management style
  • Salary and benefits
  • Career opportunities
  • Working atmosphere

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